Elemental Affinity

You gain +1 rank of this Feat for free when you gain one of the Dark Mage, Rune Mage, Spirit Mage, or Wild Mage abilities.

You must have at least 6 total Spells, Techniques, and/or Feats that have the tag of each **of the elements that you have an Affinity for before you can take another rank of this Feat. For example, if you have Earth Affinity and Fire Affinity, you must have or know at least 6 Feats, Spells, and/or Techniques with the Earth tag and at least 6 Feats, Spells, and/or Techniques with the Fire tag in order to take another rank of this feat.

When you gain a rank of this feat, choose an Element that you do not have an Affinity for. You gain an Affinity for that element.

This means that you no longer take penalties to attack, damage, and healing rolls with spells of that element, and Infusions of that element that you cast are no longer limited in their duration. You no longer need to pay any additional Mana Flux to apply metamagics to the spell or technique, and the actions required to cast the spell or technique are no longer increased because of your lack of Affinity.

Casting a spell or technique of an element that you do not have an Affinity for is difficult. You suffer the following effects when casting such a spell:

You cannot cast Rituals of an element that you do not have an Affinity for. If you learned a Ritual via an Ancestry Feat but don’t meet that Feat’s usual prerequisites (including any Affinity requirements), you can still cast that Ritual as a form of natural magical gift from your ancestry.