Some of the common archetypes found in the Queendom are:


The fabled “Blessed Knights with iron skin,” Ferronites are heavily-armored warriors who have trained in alchemy or medical arts to keep their allies alive on the battlefield. Highly-regarded both on and off the field, Ferronites often end up as either guards for or workers in hospitals and other houses of medicine, helping others until the call to arms comes and they head off to help hold the line against whatever threatens their homes.


When something dark and hungry stalks the forests of Faen’miir, or enemies have been spotted lurking along the borders, the Miirfolk send in a Circle of Gloomblades to suss out what’s going on and deal with the threat. Trained in stealth, alchemy, and either weapons or spellcraft, they are the keepers of the Queendom’s wilds, stalking the threats that lurk there, whether man, beast, or monster. Gloomblades aren’t always trusted by the urban Miirfolk, who don’t get exposed to the things they’re trained to kill as much as others in the Queendom, but the rural settlements often hail passing Gloomblades with a round of drinks and a free place to stay the night.


The singing birds of Faen’miir, Nightingales are the bards, performers, and artists of the Queendom, skilled in a variety of visual or performance art, along with knowledge of rituals and sometimes enchanting. They are often trained in the art and performance schools of the Spring Hall, and then travel around the Queendom for years or even decades before settling down and growing roots in a community that has need of a resident bard.


The Oathweavers are keepers of lore and the codes of law of Court and Hall. Whether they serve a small village or are one of the thousands who work in the Court, an Oathweaver’s job is to give advice and counsel, to render what knowledge they have to those who need it, and to perform research to discover what they lack. They are also employed as lawyers and formal witnesses to oaths, using their magics to ensure that the law is understood, oaths are recorded faithfully, and that any violation of those oaths is also known and noted down. They are respected for their knowledge in Faen’miir society, and often end up as advisors to Fulcrums or growing into the role of Fulcrum themselves.


When a citizen of the Queendom shows promise with combat magic during their compulsory military training, they are offered an additional two years of training with the Circle Of The Summer Sun to learn the skills of a battlemage. While the Circle was originally dedicated to Xyston, it does not require its trainees to pledge themselves to the Saint of Strength unless they feel his glorious call, being quite satisfied to grow a young battlemage’s talents and then release them to protect the nation as best they can.

Solarians are highly trained battlemages, blending support and offensive spells together to best effect, often wielding a rod and shield to keep themselves safe while staying close to the front lines. Their exact role in combat varies depending on their personal preference, but it is a rare Solarian who isn’t able and willing to get into the thick of it to keep their Circle safe.


A dark mirror to the Nightingales, the Starlings are spies and rumormongers who make their living trading information across the Queendom, whether for their own profit or on behalf of the Court or Halls. A Starling is not trained, they are found — either by the Gray Hand, one of the Halls, or an agent of the Court — and put to work, slowly building their network of sources and learning how to use magic to pluck information from unwary minds or the Veil. Despite how valuable their talents can be to their employers or their Circle, many Starlings keep their profession secret from the wider public, as those who are known to practice the trade are often viewed with wariness and suspicion.


Tenders are the healers and herbalists of Faen’miir, respected for their skill with medicine and their ability to brew potions and poultices (and occasionally some nasty poisons, which they need to learn how to brew to learn their antidotes). Though they are always kind and gentle in stories, anyone who’s had to deal with a Miirfolk healer during an emergency knows that they will cut like a razor through anything stopping them from tending to their patients.