Fulminating Weapon

You can use a Free Action when you deal damage with the weapon to deal either Thunder or Lightning damage instead of the weapon’s normal damage type.

When you deal Lightning damage with the weapon, you can spend 2 charges total of Inspiration and/or Mana Flux to inflict +1 level of the Stunned condition on the target.

When you deal Lightning damage with the weapon against a target that is wearing metallic armor or fashioned of metal, you can spend 1 charge of Inspiration or Mana Flux to ignore 10 DR per Tier of the weapon.

When you deal Thunder damage with the weapon, you can spend 1 charge of Inspiration or Mana Flux to inflict the Deafened condition on the target for 1 minute or until they succeed at a DC10 Flat Check as a Free Action at the end of their turn.

When you deal Thunder damage with the weapon against a target fashioned of stone, glass, or other crystalline material, you can spend 1 charge of Inspiration to add the Demolition tag to the attack and ignore 10 DR per Tier of the weapon.