Gaze Upon The Star-Filled Sea

You target an Envoy, an Old God insignia, a Band’s Standard, or a player character, who must be present for the casting of the ritual. You or a trained diviner of your choice (who can be a PC or NPC) perform a Tarot, Rune, or other divinatory reading upon the target.

The results are recorded, and may have real relevance to events in the future.

This ritual can only target a given thing (Nation, Old God cult, Band, or Player Character) once per year. You must have an Envoy or a Referee present when you cast this ritual to record the results of the reading.

Note To Players: This is a way of nudging the GMs to make interesting things happen for your nation or a particular character, while also giving you a bit of a peek into the general direction that events will be taking. It is not going to give you details on exactly what to expect down the line, but you’ll be aware of what the reading was, and the GMs will attempt to set situations up so that they match with one interpretation of that reading. Your mileage will vary each time this ritual is cast, as we can’t actually dictate the flow of events and player decisions in a free-form festival LARP like this one. Personal readings using this ritual in particular are effectively a way to start things and give a PC some personal attention from the GMs in the upcoming event(s), though the specifics of what that will involve are going to change with each casting.