Heavy Weapons

A Heavy Weapon is defined as a weapon that is more than 42 inches (3.5 feet / 106.5cm) long and less than or equal to 96 inches (8 feet / 243.8cm) long. Heavy Weapons longer than 78 inches (6.5 feet / 198cm) must be constructed according to the Spear rules.

A Heavy Weapon can be a polearm, maul, greataxe, greatsword, warhammer, glaive, spear, or any other large weapon. A staff or other similar pole-shaped weapon without a clear striking head cannot be a Heavy Weapon, to avoid visual confusion between it and a Stave.

You must wield a Heavy Weapon in both hands to deal damage with it or use any Techniques or activated abilities with it.

Note that there are extra safety requirements for wielding a Heavy Weapon in combat, especially hafted or spear-like weapons, as they have a higher capacity to cause injuries to players if wielded unsafely.

Who Can Use A Heavy Weapon

You must have Armsmaster Ability to wield a Heavy Weapon.

What You Can Do With A Heavy Weapon

You can use Techniques such as Impaling Blow with a Heavy Weapon.

You cannot cast Spells through a Heavy Weapon unless it is enchanted to allow you to do so.