Isvir Halls

A branch family of the Hanviir Clan was forced to abandon their ancestral Clanhall a century and a half ago when their miners dug into a Zu’unolosi Vault. Unlike most Vaults, however, this one was not overrun by the Old God’s horrific servants — instead, it had been taken over by the mechanical creatures of Apex. After some scouting in force cleared the blood-thirsty automata back a few chambers, it became clear that Zunakhar had been performing experiments on the Apexian creations, using a pinhole Gate to that Far Realm to bring in a constant supply of test subjects; once the Old God was banished, the experimental subjects had overpowered what limited constraints existed, and had fully infested the Vault and turned it into an Apexian stronghold. In modern times, the Hanviir still maintain a garrison outside the entrance to their old Clanhall, letting adventurous folk delve into the deeper halls in exchange for a cut of any harvested automata parts.

Delve Rewards

2x Luminium, 6x Mithryl, 2x Tzacanthe