Khiliaphylla Kantai

Nation / Provincial Base: Cerulean / Atthis

Base Combat Strength: 2250

Army Health: 100

Base Speed: 14

Traits: Fleet, Aggressive, Brilliant Commander, Raiders

Special Actions: Cunning Tactics, Drive Them Before You

Known as the Khiliaphylla Kantai, or “A Thousand Leaves Upon the Wind” (poet. from a line in an epic written by the sage Aisomer)

Like hurricane winds circling the calm eye of the Cerulean Archipelago, the Thousand Leaves patrol the maritime borders of the League (namely the Vauldan and Jadefang frontiers) and are geared toward expeditions far from home. Their use of pack tactics and coordinated maneuvers in conflicts past have earned them comparisons with swarms of wasps. Indeed, their ships rarely travel alone, especially beyond Cerulean waters and their squadrons are referred to as “Swarms” by the Dendron Strategon. Unlike their sister fleet, the Thousand Leaves actively deploy their complements of fire-dromonds and turtle-ships, the greatest of which is their flagship Ryukame Maru.