
Atthis is the political center of gravity in the League, the Isle that has come to be known for both its guiding leadership and the political machinery that lets the League function so smoothly and effectively as a nation. The capital, Alethon, is home to the Academia Logos, famous for its Rhetors and accumulated legal, political, and philosophical expertise, as well as to the majestic Vades Megalos, a titanic white-marble statue of the Saint Vadesh which smiles down benevolently on the city from its cliffside shrine. Other Alethian shrines are scattered across the island, usually nestled alongside a shrine to Anselt, the Gardener.

Atthis’ mild but arid climate made it perfect for farming once the famous Soaring Sky Aqueducts were constructed, bringing water from the holy spring atop the mountain at the heart of the island to the farms scattered across it. Though a number of forests are carefully tended across the breadth of the Isle, it is primarily covered in cultivated land and rolling grassy hills, making for a beautiful pastoral environment for the occasional Vauldan tourist or non-Atthian on Odyssey who happens to wander beyond the island’s port cities.