Pandemonic Weapon

You can spend 1 charge of Mana Flux or Inspiration as a Free Action on your turn to change the weapon’s type (i.e. Longsword, Great Axe, Hatchet, etc.) into a different weapon that has the same Bulk as the weapon's original form.

You can use a Free Action on your turn to cause the weapon to deal elemental damage until the start of your next turn. Roll 1d10, and refer to the list below to find the type of damage that the weapon deals:

  1. Fire
  2. Cold
  3. Lightning
  4. Thunder
  5. Acid
  6. Necrotic
  7. Poison
  8. Force
  9. Psychic
  10. Radiant

The type of damage the weapon deals is fixed until the start of your next turn, at which point you can activate the elemental damage effect again to roll again and cause it to deal another random damage type.