
Poultices are specialized mixtures crafted by Physicks, who use their advanced knowledge of medicine and fine mana control to turn a very small amount of herbs into a potent tool for healing. Unfortunately, Poultices require that same fine control and knowledge of medicine to apply effectively, which means that not only are Physicks the only ones who can craft the things, Physicks are the only ones who can effectively use them as well.

“Poultice” is the general term for these concoctions, but they come in a variety of forms depending on the Physick who crafts them. Some resemble alchemically-soaked bandages, while others are potent-smelling mixtures that are inhaled for full effect, and another version is essentially three different phials of liquid that must be drunk in quick succession. Fit the appearance and application method of your Poultices to your character and their style of medicine.

If you have the Physick ability, you can use a Poultice on yourself or another character who you are within arms reach of. To use a Poultice requires 15 seconds of appropriate roleplay (applying it to their skin, shaking it over them with a short incantation, having them sniff its vapors, etc.) before it takes effect. Whatever form the Poultice takes, it always takes 15 seconds of roleplay to apply. If you are interrupted in the middle of this process (moving, attacking, being attacked, casting a Spell or using a Technique, etc.), you must restart the process but the Poultice is not wasted.

Only those with the Physick ability can craft or use Poultices.