A Ritual Stave is a special type of Stave that can be used by mages who lack the Abjurer Ability, and has unique rules because of this.

Any mage can Attune to a Ritual Stave, even if they lack the Abjurer Ability. If you do not have this Ability, you cannot use a Ritual Stave as an Implement to attack or cast spells.

A Ritual Stave does not have to be a LARP-safe weapon. If it is not LARP-safe, you cannot use it in a combat situation at all, under any circumstances, and must use the Noncom call if you are ever attacked while holding it to ensure that you don’t accidentally hurt another player.

<aside> ⚠️ Ritual Staves exist specifically to allow players of mage characters to have fun embodying the archetype of a wizard with a fantastical magic staff, without requiring them to take the Abjurer Ability if they aren’t interested in using a Stave in combat. Do not abuse this freedom by trying to take a Stave into combat if you don’t have Abjurer, or by being unsafe and wielding a dangerous weapon against your fellow players.
