
Make a Basic Ranged Area Arcanite Attack against the Fortitude DC of all creatures within a 15-foot diameter burst centered on a square within range, dealing 1d6 Poison damage on a Hit. This is an Inhaled effect.

The area affected by the Grenade is filled with a short-lived cloud of green smoke that provides Full Concealment against attacks that pass through more than 10 feet of the smoke, and Partial Concealment against attacks that pass through less than 10 feet of the smoke.

The effects of the Grenade are altered at Tiers other than Tier 1:

Creatures Hit or Critically Hit by your attack suffer from Venom for 1 hour if you have at least Trained Proficiency with Alchemy Lore or Aethertech Lore.

You gain a +2 Bonus to your damage roll if you have at least Master Proficiency with Alchemy Lore or Aethertech Lore.

Formula: Smogbomb