
You Stride a distance up to half your normal maximum speed. The Swift Sneak feat can increase this maximum distance.

Make a Stealth check against the Perception DCs of the creatures around you that you are not Observed by or Concealed from.

You take a -4 Penalty to your skill check for every size category your size exceeds Medium, and gain a +4 Bonus to your skill check for every size category your size is below Medium.

If you have Cover or Full Cover from a creature during the entirety of your movement, you gain a +2 or +4 Bonus to your check, respectively. These Bonuses and Penalties are applied to your check result individually for each creature that is present and might be able to notice you.

If you end your movement and do not have one of Partial Concealment, Full Concealment, Half Cover, or Full Cover from a creature, you automatically become Observed by that creature.