Summer Fae are infused with the energies of life, of the warmth of the sun and the time of year when nature is at its strongest and most vital. They have an instinctual leaning towards aggression and forward motion, constantly having to resist the urge to act, even if they know that patience may be necessary in a given situation. Many pursue martial life paths such as guards or soldiers, but there is a sizable minority who vehemently reject their instinctual bias and seek out more peaceful professions.

Mechanical Effects

Summer Fae have a connection to the realms of Ferukhar and Radokhar; when they interact with cultists, monsters, or events surrounding those Old Gods, they may have some small amount of resistance to their mind-altering effects or insight into their nature or motivations.

Cosmetic Guidelines

Summer Fae have markings on their cheeks and the side of their jawline, extending from just below the eye across to the side of the jaw and down to the point of the jaw. The marking should never touch the eyes, nose, or mouth, and should have a vaguely triangular shape to it pointing towards the bridge of the nose or center of the face.

Playing A Summer Fae

Direct. Action-oriented. Aggressive. Focused. Summer Fae are driven to do something, in addition to the Roleplaying Prompt of their Sublineage. They don’t stand still for very long without good reason, and most have trouble with any kind of meditation or contemplation that doesn’t also involve some sort of physical activity or mental problem-solving. When faced with a choice between doing nothing and doing something, they have a very hard time choosing to remain passive, even if they know that doing so is the better path.

When playing a Summer Fae, always look for ways to keep moving forward, either to push your agenda or just to keep yourself busy. Rest when you need to, but once you’re recovered throw yourself back into the fray, whatever kind of action your preferred part of the game involves. You don’t have to be focused on physical activity, either — mental or social activity is equally as good in satisfying the Summer Fae itch for action, just so long as you’re doing something.
