If you have the Alchemist ability, you can use it to craft potions, elixirs, poisons, and venoms out of Herbs and other resources. See the for a complete list of the items you can craft via Alchemy.

Crafting an alchemical item requires three things:

  1. Knowledge of the item’s Formulae and how to craft it.
  2. The herbs (and sometimes other resources) listed in the item’s recipe, in the quantities required.
  3. 10 minutes* of appropriate roleplay.

Formulae can be learned via the Alchemy and Alchemical Training abilities, each purchased for 1 CP. Alchemy itself gives you knowledge of all the items contained in the Apprentice Alchemical Formulae list. Each level of Alchemical Training gives you knowledge of all of the formulae in one of the other Alchemical Formulae Lists.

Ingredients are usually Herbs, though some of the more complicated concoctions may require other materials. You can acquire Herbs from an Herb Garden Enterprise, by trading with other players, or (sometimes) through quests during an event.

Roleplay involves 10 minutes* doing anything that seems like it would result in the creation of an alchemical concoction: fiddling with alchemical vials, miming crushing herbs in a mortar & pestle, mixing a concoction in a flask, etc. There is no “right” way to do this, so have fun with it and make it your own. (*: If you are crafting more than 10 items at once, this time is extended to 20 minutes.)

With regards to how you craft alchemical items during the game, the process is fairly straightforward:

  1. Ensure you have the required ingredients for all of the items you want to craft in your possession or that of someone who is accompanying you.

  2. Go to Wheelhouse (and specifically the Crafting Tent, if there is one) and fill out a request form (listing your Character ID# and how many of which items you want to craft).

  3. Present the form to whoever’s manning the Wheelhouse desk, along with all of the ingredients needed to craft what you’ve requested.

  4. If you have enough of the right ingredients, Wheelhouse will hand you the cards for the alchemical items you’ve requested.

  5. Head off to do your 10 or 20 minutes of roleplay somewhere you won’t be disturbed.

    You can also bring a filled-out form to the Master Alchemist NPC, if there is one; they’ll take the ingredients used to make what you want, do the required roleplay along with you, and then sign off on your request form, which you can take to Wheelhouse to get the cards for whatever you’ve crafted.

  6. Congratulations, you have crafted a batch of alchemical items!

Formulae Lists

The following lists are what you can learn via the various Alchemy Abilities. Alchemist teaches all of the Apprentice Formulae, and each level of Alchemical Training teaches you one of the other lists. When you take Master Alchemist, you can create any of the Master-level formulae within the Formulae Lists that you have learned via Alchemical Training.