Arcane Tattooist

You can create magical tattoos, embedding Enchantments and Scrolls into a creature’s skin. These arcane tattoos can take two forms: Tattoo Enchantments and Tattoo Scrolls.

Tattoo enchantments allow you to permanently enchant a creature, applying Enchantments from the Magic Items list to it. The effective Tier of the “item” you are Enchanting this way, for the purposes of crafting the Enchantments and their effects once applied, is equal to the number of Tattoo Enchantments already present on the creature.

Any Armor Enchantments in a Tattoo Enchantment automatically apply to the creature at all times; the creature can voluntarily turn them off with 3 Minor Actions, and reactivate them with a Free Action on their turn. Any Weapon Enchantments in a Tattoo Enchantment only apply to the creature’s Natural Attacks and Unarmed Strikes. Accessory Enchantments have their normal effects.

A Tattoo Enchantment’s effects only manifest while the creature is Attuned to the tattoo. While the creature is not Attuned to it, the tattoo is simply an elaborate and mystical-appearing tattoo with a faint magical aura.

If the creature wishes to replace their Tattoo Enchantment with another one, they must go through an excruciating process of removing and regrowing the skin; removing one Enchantment from a Tattoo Enchantment takes 1 week of Downtime and deals 10 Wounds per Tier of the Enchantment to the creature at the end of this process, which they must recover from normally. Removing multiple Enchantments from the Tattoo Enchantment requires this process to be repeated for each one.

Tattoo Scrolls are effectively Scrolls written on the skin. The creature bearing the tattoo can choose to activate a tattoo scroll by using the same actions it would take if it were a normal Scroll, but must use Emotion components instead of Verbal ones for the activation. When it is activated, the tattoo scroll glows with magic, causes the desired effect, and then vanishes from the creature’s skin. A tattoo scroll can only be activated by the creature it is written on. The maximum number of tattoo scrolls a creature can have written on them at a time is equal to its Tier; any attempt to write more than that number on them automatically Critically Fails.

Damage that causes scarring (typically heavy Wounds damage) does not impair the function of a tattoo enchantment, though losing a limb bearing all or part of the tattoo will cause it to stop functioning. (Most people who get a tattoo enchantment put it on their torso, neck, and/or head, because if they lose any of those they have bigger problems to worry about.) Injuries or scars on an area bearing a tattoo scroll, however, automatically destroys the tattoo, causing it to vanish from the creature’s skin in a puff of aether.

If a creature dies, any Tattoo Enchantments and/or Tattoo Scrolls on it begin to fade away and lose their magic, disappearing after a month if the corpse is not preserved via magic such as a Spatial Enchantment or Preservative Charm.