Deathly Peal Of The Shepherd’s Bell

You target one character with this ritual, who must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

This ritual can only target a character with one of the Mystic or Arcanist Abilities who knows how to cast the Turn Evil Spell.

Once before the end of the event, the target can call out “By My Voice, Mass Turn” to inflict the Turn Call effect on any enemies who can hear their voice. The Turn effect is centered on the target, if there is any kind of effect based on the location of the person making the Call relative to its target(s).

It is highly recommended that the target inform the Referees and Wheelhouse team of which Skirmish or Battle they intend to use this ability in, so that they can have a chance to brief the opposing side and let them know to expect the call and respond appropriately to it.

The effects of this ritual last until the target uses the granted ability, the end of the event, or another Personal Sorcery is placed on the target (whichever comes first).