Flickerstep Armor

You can use your Reaction to flicker in and out of reality before making a saving throw against an attack targeting your Reflex or Defense saving throw, or a Maneuver attack targeting your Fortitude saving throw, possibly negating the attack entirely. Make a DC 10 Flat Check; on a Success you automatically Critically Succeed at the triggering saving throw. On a Failure you must still make the saving throw as normal. You can spend 2 charges of either Inspiration or Mana Flux to use this ability as a Free Action instead of a Reaction. You can only use this ability once per triggering saving throw.

A number of times per Long Rest equal to the Tier of the item, you can use 1 Minor Action to Teleport a distance up to 20 feet per Tier of the item. This action does not trigger Reactions. You cannot use this action while you are Grappled or Restrained.