Four Seasons Of Renewal

You target one character with this ritual, who must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

The target is healed for all of their missing Hit Points.

The Maimed condition is removed from all of the target’s limbs.

The target is Cleansed of the Envenomed and Weakened conditions. If the target is suffering from another effect that would be removed by a Cleanse Call, that effect is also removed.

The target can ignore the roleplaying and mechanical effects of any Traumatic Wounds they are currently suffering from until the next sunrise or they pass through the Godscore Gate. This effect resets any time limits included in the Traumatic Wound, causing them to restart their countdown when the effect fades. The effects of this ritual do not impede medical treatment, and instead merely hold the effects of the Traumatic Wound at bay; the Traumatic Wound can be healed as normal by a Physick at any time before or after the effect fades.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +4 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it affects +1 additional target.