
Grenades are small, hand-held devices that explode with elemental energies after being activated and thrown.

As a safety measure (because alchemists and aetherpunks who adventure with explosives on their person aren’t going to live long without it) Grenades require you to “prime” them by soaking them in your personal energy for a few minutes before they can be activated, and then require an active injection of the same energy as they were primed with immediately before they detonate. All together, this makes it impossible for your Grenades to be used against you by your enemies, and prevents any kind of premature detonation due to outside forces.

Grenades function much like Arcanite or Aethertech Devices, and depend on your Arcanite Attack Proficiency for their attack rolls. You use your highest Attribute Modifier to determine the damage modifier for a Grenade attack, just as if it were an Arcanite attack.

Most Grenades have a variety of additional effects depending on how skilled you are with Alchemy Lore or Aethertech Lore, as that knowledge allows you to better amplify the energies inside the Grenade as you throw it.

You cannot add Bonus Dice from your Damage Pool to an attack with a Grenade that you did not craft yourself.

Crafting Grenades

To craft a Grenade, you must use at least one Component that can be fashioned into the shell of the grenade. The crafting process hardens the shell to the point that it is nearly as tough as steel, preventing Grenades from being easily destroyed by a stray blow or explosion.