Nation / Provincial Base: Cerulean / Byoshu
Base Combat Strength: 2500
Army Health: 100
Base Speed: 10
Traits: Fleet, Defensive, Slippery, Homeguard
Special Actions: You Shall Not Pass, Go To Ground
“The Fishermen” (poet. “Crouching Turtle, Hidden Fire” - an idiom to describe a place or situation full of hidden masters or talent)
Originally used in an ominous sense to describe the parts of polis navies that conducted raids for captives (lit. “Fishers of Men”) during the Agonia and prior, the term has since been reclaimed as the Fishermen have turned their nets and tridents to actual fishing. Acting as a defensive naval force, they can be called upon to fight within but a moment’s notice, as they are technically always armed and a-sea. As a result of being “hidden in plain sight”, the force is particularly effective in anti-piracy operations, sine would-be raiders are hard-pressed to distinguish regular fishing boats from Fishermen military vessels armed with “warfire” weaponry. Of their many varieties of ships, only the great ironclad turtle-ships and the flagship Spear of the Fisher Queen are not actively used in peacetime.