
Intensely vertical and densely forested, Byoshu is the Isle of Towers, covered in spires of stone that rise up out of the forest like giant pillars of some forgotten titan’s hall. The Byoshi people are voyagers and charters of wave, wind, and stars, keepers of the sacred Astrologia observatory, and builders of the hardiest ships in the world. They view exploration and the crafting of sailing vessels as a holy enterprise, undertaking those tasks with equal parts solemnity and pride, secure in the knowledge that they walk with the guidance of Selenir’s light.

The capital city of Tegai, of the six sacred towers, is fashioned out of six plateaus that surround and shelter a sacred grove, protecting it from the ever-present winds that blast across the island. The city is one of the oldest continuously-inhabited settlements on the Continent, its spires offering a haven out of the dangerous winds and weather, each of them home to ancient clans who can trace their lineages back to the Interregnum. It is home to the Astrologia and the Hoshi Caverns, a vast underground complex where astronomers and navigators learn about the movements of the stars and Astromancy using light and carefully crafted artifice to create vivid projections of the stars upon the polished domes of the cavern ceilings.