Kanirangunos Stratos

Nation / Provincial Base: Cerulean / Seiklos

Base Combat Strength: 2500

Army Health: 100

Base Speed: 10

Traits: Army, Marines, Brilliant Commander, Veteran

Special Actions: Cunning Tactics, Drive Them Before You

Properly known as the Kanirangunos Stratos, or the “Army of the Rising Tide.” Likened to crabs rising from the ocean surf to swarm the shorelines and tidal pools, the Kanirangunos (or Karkinoi in some Cerulean dialects, which has become the most commonly-used name for the army) often seem to emerge from the sea when sent to war.

The core of its fighting force is the Myrioi, the Ten Thousand. These armored hoplites are the historical successors of the original ten thousand Cerulean mercenaries that traveled to Vauldan to support a claimant to the imperial throne. The rebellion ultimately failed, and the mercenaries’ long journey home was chronicled in the Anabasis by Xena the Faun. The company was revived as the foreign expeditionary force for the League, but has since been supplemented by bands of Hetairoi—such as the Hypasists and at times even the Archon’s own Agema—as well as warriors-mystics of the Sacred Band of Tegai and the Sohei of Lakedemos.