
It is possible to craft scrolls and talismans (collectively just called “Scrolls”) containing Spells and Rituals, embedding the magic into a clay tablet, piece of paper or parchment, ribbon, or fetish for someone to use later. Once activated, the scroll crumbles or corrodes into dust.

To use a Scroll you must be a mage and have one of the four Mage abilities gained by becoming Trained in one of the four Arcana. Non-mages lack the fluency with Mana needed to activate the magics contained in a Scroll. You do not need to be any particular kind of mage or have a specific elemental Affinity in order to use a Scroll.

Casting a Spell, Technique, or Ritual from a Scroll requires the same amount of Actions or Casting Time listed in the description of the Spell, Technique, or Ritual.

You cannot cast something from a Scroll as a Reaction unless you have used the Ready action to prepare it ahead of time, and even then the actions required by the Scroll must meet the prerequisites of the Ready action.

You cannot ever cast something from a Scroll as a Free Action.

You cannot spend any Mana Flux, Inspiration, or Aether Flux when you cast a Spell, Technique, or Ritual from a Scroll; any effects that can be impacted by spending such resources during its casting are fixed at the time that it is created.

Any Components or other materials that must be consumed during the casting of a Ritual, Spell, or Technique from a Scroll must be present when you activate the Scroll, otherwise the activation fails and the scroll is consumed with no effect.

Any attack rolls you make as part of casting a Spell, Technique, or Ritual from a scroll use your Arcanite Attack Proficiency Modifier and the higher of your INT, CHA, or WIS Attribute Modifier.

The “caster’s Tier” of any Spell or Technique cast from a Scroll is always equal to the Tier of the Scroll, with a minimum effective caster’s Tier of 1 if the Scroll’s Tier is 0.

You cannot add Bonus Dice from your Damage Pool to an attack with a Spell, Technique, or Ritual you cast from a Scroll that you did not craft yourself.

Crafting Scrolls

To craft a Scroll, you must know the Crafting Formula for the kind of Scroll you’re making, have at least Trained Proficiency in one of the four Arcana, and meet any other prerequisites dictated by the type of Scroll you are crafting.

Crafting a Scroll uses one of a number of different Crafting Lore skills, specified in the Scroll’s Formula. The skill used to craft it determines the Scroll’s finished form; a Scrivener would craft an actual scroll written on paper or parchment, a Scrimshaw would craft a talisman out of bone or wood, a Smith would craft an engraved plate or rod of metal, and a Tailor would craft an embroidered piece of cloth or tooled piece of leather.

Crafting a Batch of Scrolls allows you to craft multiple copies of the same Ritual, Spell, or Technique at once for fewer Components. However, the copies are exact copies - the same Tier, Spell, Ritual, Technique, Upgrades, Metamagics, etc.; everything about the Scrolls made in that Batch is identical when you produce them this way.

Adding Metamagics to Scrolls

Scrolls that contain a Spell or Technique can also have Metamagics inscribed to allow the user to apply them to the Spell or Technique when the Scroll is activated.

The Tier of the Scroll determines how many charges of Mana Flux the user can apply to the Spell or Technique when it is used; the user can apply 2 charges worth of Mana Flux in Metamagics to the spell per Tier of the Scroll; Tier 0 Scrolls cannot hold any Metamagics.

You can only inscribe a maximum of 2 different Metamagics into a Scroll.

You can always inscribe the Reach Spell, Artillery Spell, Enlarge Spell, and Empower Spell Metamagics into a scroll, if the Spell or Technique has them on its Metamagic list. If you wish to inscribe another Metamagic into the Scroll, you must know both the Spell or Technique being inscribed into the Scroll and that Metamagic for it in order to inscribe it.