
The folk of Seiklos are famed for their ingenuity and craftsmanship, even amongst other Ceruleans. The Isle’s capital of Surakawa is home to no less than three universities which each are a rival to any other center of learning on the Continent, specializing in engineering, natural sciences, ritual magic, and enchanting. The Great Forge of O-Del, a massive sanctified manufactory complex, sits just inland of Surakawa within its own fortified set of walls, churning out wonders of craft and ingenuity. The many temples of Oruunos scattered across the island are home to some of the most prolific Towers on the Continent, their Pythians delving deep into the Weave of Fate and history to find answers to questions that few would think to ask.

Seiklos was blessed with beautiful weather, crystal-clear seas, and rich seams of precious metals through the hills that criss-cross its interior. It was cursed with a tangled mass of toxic jungle that makes dwelling in that interior incredibly hazardous, and a proximity to the Jadefang Archipelago that makes living on and sailing near its coast almost as dangerous as traveling inland. The folk who live on the Isle have used their famous ingenuity and engineering brilliance to turn the coast into a fortress, the cities there surrounded by towering granite walls that bristle with siege engines designed to fend off monsters and piratical raiders alike. Surakawa’s port has famously never fallen to invasion, its massive sea chain and multi-layered walls fortified by ritual and engineered marvels into nigh-impregnability.