Sibilant Gift Of The Verdant Hydra

You target one character with this ritual, who must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

This ritual can only target a character with the Mystic or Arcanist Abilities.

The target can cast the Restoration Spell as if they knew it.

Three times per day the target can cast the Restoration Spell without spending any resources.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the event or another Personal Sorcery is placed on the target (whichever comes first).

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +18 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it affects +1 additional target.

Roleplay Effects

The target has a compulsion to speak in a sibilant voice, extending their ā€œSā€ sounds and generally sounding like a stereotypical serpentine character. They can resist the compulsion with concentration, but the sibilance tends to pop back up after a few minutes regardless of their best efforts.