Spoil And Rot, Tangle And Knot

You target one Enterprise with this ritual; the Curse Card must be delivered to the Enterprise’s owner for the ritual to take effect.

This ritual can only target a Farm or Business.

The target Enterprise loses -6 Levels.

The effects of this ritual last for the next two Rounds of Downtime, until you choose to remove it, or until the curse is broken.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +13 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target.

Ritual Roleplay Suggestions

This ritual removes some of the Order from a business or farm, causing the surrounding Chaos of the world to flow in and fill the metaphysical vacuum left behind. Mold and vermin that would normally be kept at bay find their way into goods awaiting shipment, wagon axles break at just the wrong time, and a myriad of other mishaps and misfortunes find their way into the operation of the targeted Enterprise.

Roleplaying Effects

The character who owns the Enterprise finds that their luck has turned slightly sour. They fumble simple tasks like removing coins from their purse, and occasionally trip and pratfall on completely even ground. This is entirely up to the target to fully RP, if they wish to play up the comedic effects of being cursed in this way.