Army Name: Thronebreakers
Nation / Provincial Base: Jadefang / Throneport
Base Combat Strength: 3500
Army Health: 100
Base Speed: 12
Traits: Fleet, Defensive, Logistical Corps, Brilliant Commander
Special Actions: Cunning Tactics, You Shall Not Pass
The Thronebreakers are as old as the Alliance. Originally formed from the ships of the Captains who enacted the Betrayal, the Thronebreakers as an organization is a cultural edifice of the nation, a monument to Corsair audacity and a mark of historical scorn aimed directly at the Empire. Functionally, the Fleet has undergone significant changes over the centuries since they were formally commissioned, settling on their modern iteration around fifty years ago. They now function as the home-defense fleet, built around a core of heavy battleships with a large number of lighter, nimbler vessels to act as scouts and a screening force, plus multiple attached Flotillas of logistical vessels. All of this helps to ensure that they can do whatever is necessary to keep the Archipelago and the Alliance’s people safe.
The 1st Fleet is commanded by an elderly Firbolg named Octávio “Riptide” de Vieira; he has held his position for the last thirty years, overseeing hundreds of operations by the Fleet and personally leading the effort to crush the leaders of the Emerald Uprising in 3004.
Throneport is, unsurprisingly, the home port of the 1st Fleet, and they have their own dedicated docks within the Admiralty Shipyards for maintenance and repairs when they aren’t patrolling the Archipelago.