
The eastern-most Province of the Empire, Equiscalae has been shaped by war. Its northern border lies along the Skarthwall and the Tomarran Steppe, and the Empire and Clans have raided and invaded each other off and on for over two millennia. This has created a culture in the folk of the Province that is almost fatalistic in how they expect and prepare for what they see as the inevitable next conflict, no matter how peaceful relations between the two nations are now. The folk of the region have a tradition of enlisting in the Legions or serving in the Imperial Engineering Corps as an unofficial rite of passage, and the population has a much higher percentage of ex-Legionairies and -Cataphracts than the rest of the Empire as a result.

The hills beneath the Skarthwall are host to a number of iron and coal mines, which contributes significantly to the Province’s economy and industrial power. The capital city of Lanercost is a hub of economic activity, its docks constantly full of trading ships and its foundries belching a constant haze of smoke and as they produce a river of raw ingots of steel and adamant and finished metal products. The region is also a significant agricultural producer for the empire, its rolling hills and fertile plains covered in wheat, barley, and oat fields, as well as some scattered olive orchards in the western parts of the Province.

Equiscalae Locations