
The Espervall is the low-lying southern swathe of the Grimmwold, sitting along the border with Faen’miir. Many of the trees within it are a unique and faintly magical variety of aspen that twitch and let out faint psychic shrieks when they are cut, and the flora and fauna of the region as a whole seem to have a propensity towards developing some kind of ability for empathic broadcasting, either as a defense mechanism or as a tool for hunting. This trait has proven quite useful for the Grimmfolk who dwell here, as the psychic environments of the Whispering Woods and the grove that became the Weald of the Shivering Halls actively seem to foster mortals’ mental traits.

The region as a whole tends to produce folk who are interested in intellectual pursuits, and features the great Aspen Stacks, the headquarters of the nation’s Meisters and the largest and most comprehensive library in the Grimmwold, as well as the Starlight Sanctuary, which trains many of the nation’s Wahrsagers in the ways of divination and prophecy. The folk here tend to be calm, curious, and driven, focused on learning what they can about the world around them and finding new ways of applying their knowledge to further their ambitions and protect their communities.