
Ismyra is the bustling commercial capital of the League. The Great Harbor of its capital Cortho, built upon a massive living reef constructed by a great druidic ritual, sees thousands of ships come in and out of its docks every week bearing goods and coin from across the Continent. Cortho’s markets rival or exceed those of any other city on the Continent for the amount and variety of goods and services that trade hands within them, and the other cities across the island each have their own specialty in terms of goods that they trade in.

Though its interior is rocky and barren, the Isle holds a great deal of mineral wealth, and precious Herbs grow in the oases of the desert. Though most commerce between Ismyran cities occurs via naval trade, the Ismyrans have built a network of stone roads across the desert that links the cities, mines, and oases of the Isle together in order to ensure that the island can stay connected in case of a naval siege.