Isole Verdi

The collection of islands and reefs extending west from Tranquillio, a large island which was acquired by the Vauldan Empire many centuries before the Occupation, and which they used as a staging ground for their invasion. The province is by far the most “civilized” of the Alliance, as the Vauldans left behind a considerable amount of infrastructure when they were kicked out during the Betrayal that formed the modern nation.

Though many of the islands have good soil, they are heavily mountainous and the jungles are thick and infested with hungry beasts. During their prolonged stewardship of the Province prior to the Occupation and eventually the Betrayal, the Vauldans carved terrace gardens out of the mountain slopes to supply the Empire with herbs and other rarities, having no need for grain or other food crops; though there have been proposals to switch over to such food staples, the Admiralty and Vice Admirals of Isola Verde have in the end decided that continued herb cultivation is worth more in trade value than what little extra food the terraces could bring to the Alliance.


Porto Tranquillo