
The lands of Kanazve (ka-NAHZ-vey) lie in the northwestern corner of the Tomarran Plateau, against the Kingdom of Rivermark’s eastern border and across the sea from the Iskaldur Peninsula. The land of Kanazve is rough and rocky, and though there is a stark beauty to the highlands it is not an inviting or easy place to live in, as while Kanazve is rich in mineral resources it is remarkably poor in soil. The folk of the Province have a long tradition of either fishing or herding for survival, and trading with folk beyond Kanazve’s borders for more than the meager amount their nets and herds can provide, exchanging iron and Adamant for grain and fruit. The rugged hills and plains of the region do, however, bear a bounty of magical herbs, which grow in sheltered nooks amongst the stones, where they are protected from the chill wind that blows from the north.

At the heart of Kanazve is the Kana Bay, a deep bay carved into the northeastern coast of the Steppe. The bay’s shoreline is nearly vertical, with only a few pebble beaches where the land slopes more gently down to the water. The folk who dwell around the bay have had to deal with raids by roving Skaldings throughout their history, and most villages are carved into the stone cliffs of the bay rather than sitting out in the open where attackers might find them easy prey. Though the bay is rich in fish, its depths also hold great danger: at least one ancient sea serpent dwells within the deep water in the bay’s heart, and its spawn regularly attack fishing boats plying the waters above.