
Kieftlund is known as the Pinemarch, a primarily coniferous region of the Grimmwold dotted with lakes and waterfalls that stretches along the nation’s northern border with Iskaldur. Its people are hearty and unflappable, even for Grimmfolk, bearing freezing winters and Wulverin attack with equal stoicism and using grit and long-cultivated knowledge of the Wold to overcome whatever challenges they face. The Dustervolk training grounds are located in the south of the Pinemarch, just north of the border with Hartzwold, and the region is home to many of the most accomplished trackers and hunters of big game in the Grimmwold.

Centuries of trade with their northern neighbors in Iskaldur has created a unique blend of Skalding and Grimmfolk culture and ideas. Kieftlundi Weyrmenders are remarkably skilled in the manipulation of metal and use of Runes due to the constant competition with Skalding Runeweavers, and the Wealds of the region often resemble Skalding Holds in their structure, albeit with all the usual Felwards and trappings of a “proper” Grimmfolk Weald.