
Maregarde is the southeastern Province of Aurendale, a peninsula with the Amethran Sea and the Jadefang Archipelago to its east and Blackwater Bay to its west. It is a hilly and forested land, host to the Great Cities of Argentwatch and Silverbridge. Cliffs jut up from the sea along its coasts, and the terrain becomes progressively more rugged towards the backbone of the peninsula. The Province is rich in timber and has many mines digging into its bones, producing Mithryl, Luminium, silver, and gems in abundance.

The riches to be found in Maregarde have made it the target of raiders throughout its history. The folk of the Archipelago have a long tradition of climbing up the cliffs to snatch away gems and silver from the Steadings within the forest, and the Steaders of Maregarde have an equally long tradition of hunting down such intruders with cold and ruthless determination. The folk who live here are hardy and independent-minded, even for Daleans, and have a particularly defensive and militaristic mindset, bred into their culture over centuries of Jadefang raids and the continual strife of the Ebb And Flow.

