
The founding seat of the Empire, the Province of Vauldis is named for the eponymous capital city where Emperor Triumphant was the first to claim the Throne millennia ago after conquering Lucenastu and Cirrane. The city is drenched in historical points of interest, and the province around it is positively packed with monuments, villas, and ancient crypts from across the vast expanse of the Empire’s history. Some of these are still in use, but many have fallen into disrepair or ruin, or have been claimed for use as a museum or historical site by Curators.

Aside from the weight of history that lies heavily across it, Vauldis is an agricultural and mercantile hub of the eastern Empire, with fertile fields and a large population that is bustling with all the trade that passes through its ports and along its roads. The Woods Of The Wolf that line the northern edge of the Province provide game and timber, and the sheer quantity of infrastructure that has been built up and maintained over the ages gives the Province a massive boost to its industry and economy.

The folk of Vauldis are a lively and metropolitan bunch, even those who dwell in the rural agricultural parts of the Province; the proximity to the capital means that every farmer, woodsman, and tradesman has opinions on politics and the way the Empire should be run, and the Academiae of the Province are some of the best in the world. Natives of the Province are quietly proud of their home, of the sheer depth and richness of its history. They understand exactly how much of it was forged from the Empire’s bloody imperialism, taking a great deal of joy in pointing out the follies of the past even as they lovingly tend to the various historical sites to ensure that the memory of those tragedies is not forgotten.