Verdant Wall Against The Beast

You target one character with this ritual, who must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

The target gains an increased level of resistance to the corrupting effects of Ferukhar’s realm and servants.

If the target is neither an Elf with the Wood Elf Sublineage, a Spring Fae, or a Summer Fae, they gain the roleplaying effects of those Lineage’s attunement to Ferukhar, counting as one of those Lineages for the purpose of any interactions with Ferukhar’s minions or Ferukhar-related environmental roleplaying effects.

If the target’s Lineage is Wood Elf, Spring Fae, or Summer Fae, they become completely immune to any roleplaying effects caused by Ferukhar’s minions or Ferukhar-related environmental roleplaying effects.

While this ritual is technically a Curse, it does not have any significant negative side effects, and cannot be delivered via a Curse Card. The character you are targeting with this ritual must be a willing participant for it to have an effect on them.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the event. The effects of this ritual can only be removed before the end of an event by an Unravel The Threads Of Malice ritual.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +2 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target.