
The “great northern wastes” of Zhyamade (zjah-MAH-deh) are sparsely populated, but the folk who live there are hardy and have long ago mastered the skill of living off the land. Reindeer herds migrate in a great circle around the region, eating the lichen and boreal grasses that grow on the plains, tended to and protected by roving Kocharr caravans who follow in their wake. The winters are long and bitterly cold, as the wind brings freezing air south across the sea from the Endless White. In the precious few months of summer, though, the tundra bursts into life and a carpet of colorful flowers covers the land. The boreal forests of the region are enchanting places, the evergreens seeming to thrive no matter how harsh the winter, and magical herbs grow densely beneath the shelter of their boughs.

Permanent settlements in Zhyamade are hard to find if one doesn’t know what to look for. The buildings are squat and sprawling things that resemble low hills of sod more than actual structures. The Tomarrans have a custom of testing the strength of their dwellings by having a herd of reindeer or horses graze on the sod growing atop a building; if the structure collapses under the load, it’s better that it happens under controlled conditions rather than under ten feet of snow during the winter. There are few doors visible from outside in Zhymadan settlements, as most dwellings are connected by tunnels or covered passages to allow movement during the harshest winters. Cities in the Province resemble a rippling range of grassy hills, with each of the buildings connected by “veins” of sod-covered tunnels instead of streets.

The auroras visible at night in Zhyamade are one of the great natural wonders of the world. The Spirits of air and light who dwell within the skies above the Province dance and writhe, uncaring of the mortals who watch in wonder below. On occasion one of these Spirits will fall to the earth, either injured or exhausted, to sleep for decades at a time. The Zhyamadans seek such Spirits out and build great barrows around their resting places, guarding them from any of the wild elemental Spirits of the land, who hunger for the light and power of the great Spirits of the sky. When the Auroran Spirit finally recovers and ascends to the sky once more, a great festival is held across the region, celebrating the restoration of the Balance and the boon of good fortune that many such Spirits grant in thanks for protecting them while they sleep.