
You have been seriously injured. Whenever you take damage that would reduce you below 1 Wounds, you are instead reduced to 1 Wound and you gain +1 level of this bane. You gain +1 additional level of the Wounded condition if the blow that reduced you below 1 Wounds dealt a total amount of damage equal to your ranks of Toughness multiplied by 5, or +2 additional levels if it dealt a total amount of damage equal to your ranks of Toughness multiplied by 10.

You suffer from the Slowed bane at a level equal to your Wounded level while you have less than 5 Stamina per Tier.

The Wounded condition immediately ends when you have 2 or more Wounds.

If your Wounded level ever reaches 4, you are reduced to 0 Wounds, fall Prone and Unconscious, and gain 1 rank of the Dying condition.