Aethertech Devices are a technological marvel, utilizing the energy contained within Arcanite and ambient aether to create wonderous and terrible effects. There are a vast and constantly growing array of such devices, but the selection listed here should be of particular interest to adventurers.

Aethertech Devices all have an internal power source that lets them function, a small shard of Arcanite built into them during their creation that essentially acts as a magical battery. If you Link a Device to your Aether Core, however, you can channel Aether Flux into it to Reload the Device or empower it and its abilities. If the Device is not Linked to your Aether Core, you cannot spend Aether Flux to Reload it or on any of its abilities.

Arcanite Damage

Aethertech Devices that deal damage almost always deal Arcanite damage. If you have a Device Linked to your Aether Core, it deals damage matching the elemental type of the Arcanite in your Aether Core, as per the Arcanite Damage Elemental Table. If you have multiple elemental tags on the Arcanite in your Aether Core, you can choose which type of damage you deal each time you deal Arcanite damage.

If the Device is not linked to an Aether Core, it instead deals damage matching the elemental type of whatever Tier 0 Arcanite was used to create it. You cannot switch between these damage types while a Device is Linked to your Core; in order to use the Device’s default damage type, you must remove the Link to the Device.

If you deal Fire or Bludgeoning Arcanite damage with a Device, you gain a +1 Bonus to your damage roll.

Crafting Aethertech Devices

To craft an Aethertech Device, you must have a collection of Tier 0 Bone, Metal, Mineral, or Wood Components of any Aspect and 1x Tier 0 piece of Arcanite with only one elemental tag. The amount of Components required depends on the Bulk of the finished Device:

Crafting a Device takes 1 week of Downtime, regardless of its Bulk.

The piece of Arcanite used in the creation of a Device is incorporated into the completed Device, and cannot be Attuned to without destroying the Device and extracting it; instead, it acts as a power source when the Device isn’t Linked to an Aether Core, where its elemental tag determines the Device’s default Arcanite Damage elemental type.

Upgrading Aethertech Devices

You cannot apply an Enchantment to an Aethertech Device; the magic gets disrupted by the Aether currents flowing through the Device while it is in operation. Instead, you must Upgrade the Device via Upgrade Feats, in a similar fashion as you would one of your Combat Feats with Combat Feat Upgrades.

Each Upgrade Feat applied to a Device represents your knowledge of how to create that effect with the Device, but you still need to do the work to modify the one you own. As such, you must spend a Long Rest tinkering with the Device to apply the Upgrade to it. In addition, such modifications only function while Linked to and powered by your personal Aether Core — the Device functions as if it hadn’t been Upgraded when used by anyone else or if you don’t Link it to your Aether Core.